Register with Jrney for absolutely FREE
Search for people wanting to share a ride within the Jrney rideshare community.
Find a dedicated driver to get you where you need to be using the “Ride now” service.
All your trip info is made available at all times so that you stay informed and safe.
Jrney is a simple to use South African ridesharing app with features that create an efficient lift sharing & carpooling app experience. Connecting travellers and drivers | A app for long distance car sharing | Find a ride or offer a ride
Jrney allows drivers and passengers to create adverts easily. Drivers can offer lifts and delivery in the same ride share listing. Jrney also saves you time by allowing you to create a return trip advert simultaneously
Jrney values your peace of mind. By evaluating a user’s past reviews, you can make an informed decision.
Jrney's direct messaging feature allows drivers and passengers to communicate easily regarding travel arrangements.
Jrney will notify you whenever someone responds to your advert with the ability to accept or decline with ease.
Jrney sends out your request to all the active drivers in the area when using the ‘Ride Now’ service. This allows you to choose between drivers based on price, car type and reviews
Proximity alerts and driver tracking makes it easier for passengers who are using the “Ride Now” service to stay updated on the whereabouts of the driver from driver confirmation to pick up.
Jrney offers valuable peace of mind with greater transparency & accountability. Whether it be tracking a driver or a passenger or tracking your parcel delivery every step of the way.
Jrney uses google maps to help you generate an efficient pick up and drop off route.
Jrney makes life easier by automating notifications based on your gps location.
Intuitive and functional design that is consistant and meets the users needs.
Jrney is the perfect platform to help your business grow. Download the app to register as a dedicated driver for the “Ride Now” service for absolutely FREE.
We would love to hear from you. Feel free to get in touch